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Documenting owners of infrastructure

All of your infrastructure resources should be tagged with details of their owners, what service they are part of, and what type of environment they are in.

Without this, teams responsible for supporting your services (security, finance, and web operations) may not be able to keep your infrastructure secure, paid for by the right people, and appropriately supported. Documenting this on the infrastructure itself ensures that it’s as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

You should do this even if you’re managing infrastructure in your own account: other teams may end up needing access to that account, or may receive access via another account.

Tagging your infrastructure

All of our existing cloud hosting providers support tagging (AWS, Azure. If your infrastructure is defined in code (as it should be), you can probably specify your tags in that code.

AWS limits the names and values of tags to alphanumeric, space, and a limited set of punctuation (+-=._:/), so it’s worth avoiding characters outside this set on all providers for maximum portability.

Tags you should use

To ensure we can consistently search for, and report on, the tags we use, you should use the following tags. In all values, only use acronyms if you’re confident that someone from another part of government would understand them.


  • business-unit: Should be one of HMPPS, OPG, LAA, Central Digital, Technology Services, HMCTS, CICA, or Platforms (for use by Platforms & Architecture team). If none of these are appropriate, please contact us via #ask-operations-engineering Slack channel or submit a pull-request against the policy managed in code.
  • service-area : Should be the full name of the Service Area in which your team is based e.g. Education Skills & Work, Manage a Workforce, Hosting.
  • application: Should be the full name of the application or service (and acronym version, if commonly used), e.g. Prison Visits Booking, Claim for Crown Court Defence/CCCD.
  • is-production: true or false, to indicate if the infrastructure is part of, or supports, live production services
  • owner: Should be of the form <team-name>: <team-email>. This is the team responsible for the overall service.


  • environment-name: The name the owners use to refer to the environment; typically something like production, staging, test, or development.
  • component: Which part of the application this infrastructure is for, e.g. Staff booking interface, API gateway. If there’s a common name for the type of component, use that (e.g. front-end, api, message-queue)
  • infrastructure-support: The team responsible for managing the infrastructure. Should be of the form <team-name>: <team-email>.
  • runbook: The URL of the service’s runbook.
  • source-code: The URL(s) for any source code repositories related to this infrastructure, comma separated.
This page was last reviewed on 25 February 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 25 May 2025 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 25 May 2025 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.